Brett Egan-Briers
National Firefighter PPE Technical Advisor,
NFCC PPE & Clothing
Brett is Vice Chair of the NFCC PPE Clothing Committee and is the national firefighter PPE technical advisor; he also works alongside colleagues on the NFCC contaminants group leading the PPE workstream. Brett represents NFCC on British, European and International standards and chairs the firefighters PPE committee for BSi. Brett is currently project manager of the National Fire Fighters PPE project which will be seeking to put in place a new national framework for both the provision and care and maintenance of firefighters PPE. Within this project he also acts as chair of the technical working group who will be responsible for the national specification and requirements.
18-Sep-2024Firefighter PPE Stage | Hall 5Preparing for the new firefighter PPE procurement exercise
18-Sep-2024Firefighter PPE Stage | Hall 5The Public Procurement Act 2023 and what it means for the blue lights
18-Sep-2024Firefighter PPE Stage | Hall 5Why innovation is at the heart of making sure PPE remains responsive to a changing world
18-Sep-2024Firefighter PPE Stage | Hall 5Forever chemicals - a look at the PFAS group of chemicals and surrounding concerns
19-Sep-2024Firefighter PPE Stage | Hall 5Evaluating PPE takes time and costs money, so let's do it once for the benefit of all